Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There are many different ways that schools encourage, teach, and reward creavity and imagination for their students. Ways that schools teach and encourage creavity and imagination is by letting students explore in the classroom. Doing activities that allow students to expand their minds beyond just the textbook lets them use their own ideas and thoughts to come up with answers to questions. This can be done through open-ended writing activities, art projects, group activities, or class discussions. It is important to let students express themselves and their creative minds because if this is not done then some children begin to lose these creativity skills that they have acquired over the years. Today teachers tend to focus so much on increasing students' test scores and cramming them with information that they do not take the time to increase their creativity or let them express this aspect of their learning. I think that in our 21st century society we must take time in the classroom to let students express these creative talents that they possess because they are just as important as the other aspects of learning that we spend more time on then the others.